Tuesday, December 06, 2005

This is Meles's kind of opposition politician. Cry out in public that you hate the EPRDF but work behind the scenes to undermine the biggest threat to the EPRDF. The whole thing is set up so that EPRDF supporters can point to this guy and say why can't the rest of the CUD be like this guy. We don't really know the real reason why this dude left the CUD. Maybe he's scared of Meles since anybody who is standing up to Meles is either dead, in jail or death row. Maybe this dude wanted to avoid these fates and decided to become the "right" kind of opposition politician. Join the "system". Legitimize all of Meles's actions. Get screwed again and again for the next 50 years or more. No thanks homes. The system is broken. The only way I'll support the system is if we get a re-vote in the very near future with international observers all over the entire country watching every move. Then we can talk about the system again. Ukraine in sunny Africa homes.



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