Tuesday, December 06, 2005

In theory, yes, that is what the Dec of Independence said in 1776. But in reality the Dec. of Independence served the very same white men that drafted it. "....it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it..." Which black man do you know that had a chance to abolish or alter it at that time? For that matter which white women do you that had the opportunity to do the same? Now, having said that, I am by no means saying that was ok. It was totally a screwed up system, but it was their starting point. The point is you can't expect to snap your fingers and think you can achieve this perfect society that everyone is happy with. It has to be a working progress. Just like the Dec of Independence was a working progress, you have to see our voting right and parliamentary laws as a working progress. One thing that can not happen in this process, you can not destabilize a system that is trying to inch along in the right direction. If the Dec. of Independence was ripped to shreds in 1776 because certain people or race didn't like it where would you think America would be today? Because it certainly wasn't fair then, why stay the course? Eventually the system started to recognize the will of the people and started changing to serve them. It took another 140 or so years before they let white women vote and another 180 or so years before us black folk were even allowed to use the same water fountain. The point is you need a starting point no matter how screwed up it may seem in the beginning.


The type of opposition leaders Ethiopia needs is guys like Lidetu Ayalew. This guy hates the policies of EPRDF and worked along side the rest of CUD leadership to change the regime. His eventual dismissal/withdrawal from the party came when it came time to make a decision how they should approach the post election issues. He chose the educated and the more realistic approach, like I mentioned above, let's use this as the starting point for our struggle to greatness instead of destabilizing what's already there and trying to restart over no matter how unfair it seems at this point. Let's understand where we are in our history and who we are before we go forward. This guy had foresight to realize where CUD was headed and he didn't want to be a part of it. If you heard his interview he is talking about exactly what I was telling you over the weekend. In 3000 years we decided to snap our fingers once and we are upset why this Ethiopian Democracy is not like the first world. We have to have a realistic approach not an emotional one. Hailu Shawel and his PIPS got emotional Lidetu and his PIPS got realistic. Lidetu told Surafel that point 5 or 6 different ways.
I understand the Amharic may seem a little tough for some of you guys J but try to understand what this guy was talking about.
Si---- says…
"Free and fair elections are not only not going to happen in Ethiopia but it is also a ridiculous thing to suggest. It is a naive dream for us Africans and a system of government reserved only for non Africans".

I guess you are suggesting free and fair elections where the norm in 1776 or in the 1950's for that matter in the US, right? You have already given up on the system and you are suggesting our starting point is ridiculous to say the least. That is the very same attitude Lidetu ran away from and I applaud him for that, I wish we had more opposition leaders like him. It would have expedited our eventual greatness. But, instead we have a bunch of Sirak's running around the CUD leadership who suggest this process is ridiculous because it wasn't the outcome we wanted it. You know what is ridiculous, your suggestion that non Africans (I assume Europeans and US) came to this point in history, like you turn on the clapper. (You know the clapper don't you, clap on…clap off, the clapper!!!)


Yes it is sad these guys can't get a speed and fair trial but this is the very system that CUD is trying to destabilize. The US Supreme Court once voted separate but equal was constitutional, which upheld segregation. Now, eventually that was changed because the court stayed on course. If they had dismantled that court at that time because it was certainly wrong what they did, I ASK YOU where would the US judicial system be today? WE HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE! Unfortunately that somewhere is usually near the bottom not at the top of the spectrum in terms of being right and fair especially in poor countries like ours.

One thing that really worries me is if the educated masses, the people that have the opportunity to see and learn can't think this way, how can we lead the unfortunate people of Ethiopia who are unable to get education (let's not forget 2/3 of the population is illiterate) and be exposed to the world and exposed to how politics works and have access to information. That to me is the most crucial part of this struggle. Yetmar Yastemer Yaltemar Yemar!!! You guys are the future brains of Ethiopia and you have to have Hindsight!!!



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