Saturday, March 04, 2006

Did Kassa Kebede (Derg) and Andargatchew Tsiege (CUD) visit Issayas AfewrQi (Shaebia)?

See the "COMMENTS" link for this post for full articles!


Blogger Mechachal yichalal said...

Story by The Reporter (Amharic) claiming that Kassa Kebede (Derg) and Andargatchew Tsiege (CUD) visited Issayas AfewrQi (Shaebia):


Comment on the report:

When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage
Mulugeta Aserate Kassa
27th February 2006.
The news that the two most pro-active members of CUDP Diaspora, namely Kassa Kebede and Andargatchew Tsiege, from Washington D.C. and London respectively, have established an ‘Axis of Evil’ with Shabia (Reporter 26th February) did not come as a surprise to this scribe.
In August 2001, I made an attempt to alert my compatriots to Kassa Kebede’s cloak-and-dagger activities in an article I posted on (“Kassa Kebede, OLF and Guess Who Else?”) Moreover, I also took to task the London-based Ethiopian Community in Britain (ECB) - now endearingly dubbed Ethiopian Comrades in Britain - for its gross dereliction of duty by extending an invitation to Kassa Kebede whose reported aim and goal is to “divide Ethiopia into mini-Islamist states.” For many years this new Leader of the Derg (after receiving ‘the Baton of Tyranny’ from travel-restricted Mengistu Haile Mariam) had expended money, time and energy to make the ECB in London the Derg HQ in exile until his plan crumbled like a house of cards when he was ordered to leave and never to return to the United Kingdom by the British security services.
The same can be said of Andargatchew Tsiege, albeit he falls far short in terms of enjoying the same clout as Kassa. Nevertheless, the two share the same denominator: pulling wool over the eyes of Ethiopian Diaspora. Hundreds of innocent Ethiopians contributed most generously in the belief that they were supporting the party of their choice. They will now have to come to terms with the knowledge that their offerings had made it instead to the coffers of foreign currency-strained Shabia who would, in turn, use it to kill and maim their kith and kin in its anticipated wanton act of aggression to destroy the Motherland they dearly love.
No ‘sane’ Ethiopian - come what may - will send their hands to their pockets and chip in a penny to Shabia. Opposing Meles Zenawi is the democratic right of anyone, but to side with a nation that is currently in a heightened state of belligerency with Ethiopia is a blatant act of treason and, therefore, worthy of vehement condemnation by the ‘true’ sons and daughters of Ethiopia.
We all know that Shabia has no policy of peaceful co-existence with Ethiopia. We also know that Shabia is bent on destroying the union of free and equal Ethiopians precisely because such a union poses a big threat to the one party rule that suffocates ethnic and religious differences in Eritrea. Besides, these traitors especially the “Kebe Brothers” (Mengistu and Kassa) are still regarded by ordinary Eritreans as the butchers of Eritrea.
It is in the face of these glaring facts that these individuals have decided to align themselves with Ethiopia’s traditional enemy. You don’t have to be a clairvoyant, therefore, to realise that no good can come of an alliance between two bad characters who were formerly enemies. But a big lesson has to be learnt, and learnt fast. Remember that these individuals and their likes have been deafening our ears with their “Mother Ethiopia” sermon. They contracted sore throat after sore throat telling us what it means to be a true Ethiopian and we saw them, did we not, burying the name of Meles Zenawi under an avalanche of invectives for allegedly working in cahoots with Shabia against the national interest of Ethiopia. Any one who refused to join their ‘choir’ of smear-aholics was branded a traitor and a hodam (Amharic for the gutsatorially-fixated). But now, perhaps to our surprise, we have found out that they don’t after all practice what they preach. In short, they and their likes have passed the test of the fake-democrat-in-nationalist-clothing with flying colours. To the delight of us, their critics, we’ve also found out that when they pointed one finger at us three of their fingers were pointing at them.
Not seldom, but never, has a democratic electorate allowed itself to either be dormant or door-mat to the chicaneries of quislings. The idea that Kassa Kebede and co. and Shabia constitute the dream team to topple the democratically-elected government in Addis Ababa is, therefore, palpable nonsense.
So the advice that we must force our selves to heed must be: “If a Derg-cum-CUDP cheats us once shame on them, if twice shame on us.”
In conclusion, let our Admiral Quislings continue to flock to their ‘Fuehrer’ while we proudly proclaim: “its neck or nothing” and close ranks.


Attack on comment:

Cooking the Bombs and the Terrorists TPLF Style
Patterns of Crime Fabrication against Political Opponents
By Fekade Shewakena
March 3, 2006
The TPLF and its surrogates amaze you with the kind of distance they traverse to have us believe Kinijit-CUD leaders are violent politicians. I only wish they make a little more plausible fabrications just that they save us defending the obvious. I have lost count of stories of bombs exploded by phantom terrorists and the number of times such explosions were foiled. It seems that these fabrications are made with three objectives in mind.
Objective number one is to create doubt among the population and unsuspecting foreigners about the sincerity of the opposition and the legitimacy of their demands. The second objective is to intimidate any attempt at clandestine operation, just in case some members of the opposition want to resort to. This is a proactive technique borne out of a nightmarish fear that the opposition would go underground as did the EPRP during the degue. It is the “don’t try it - we are good at catching trouble makers” message. The third objective is to produce a justification for the blatant and widespread violations of human rights in the country and mitigate the unease expressed by donor countries whose aid is being used to perpetrate these crimes.
In the past, every time the OLF gains some strength and creates some conditions for upheaval, a bomb will explode or be defused somewhere in Addis Ababa or down in Ambo or Wollega or Hararghe. On multiple occasions we were told the OLF was stopped when they were going to blow up some oil depot. At one time we were told they were apprehended with the bombs in their pockets near an oil depot. At other times these bombs would explode somewhere only to be followed by a scathing charge that the opponents were about to disturb public peace, stability and democracy. Sometimes we are told the perpetrators are apprehended at the speed of light and paraded on television. Even children read the faces of these so called criminals as either actors or individuals who were tortured to agree to take part in the play. The same thing was done to fabricate the lies that led to imprison the late Professor Asrat Woldeyes and his colleagues. When Meles Zenawi had a faction problem within the TPLF a bomb went off in a hotel frequented by ethnic Tigreans in the Piazza area. Lives and property were destroyed. It was blamed on poor OLF. Insiders tell us that was a tactic used to sway ethnic Tigreans from supporting the faction and line up with the Meles group.
In June 2005, during the election fraud protests, where hundreds died and thousands were thrown into concentration camps, we were told three bombs were thrown at the police by protestors. We are also told two houses belonging to ethnic Tigreans were burnt down during the riots. Many people argue that the houses were set on fire by the security itself looking to concoct a proof for their accusation of genocide against Tigreans. I am told this is one of the craps submitted to the court to prove the genocide allegation. In the same week, in the Kasainchis area, Addis Ababa, the security people were filming a drama where two young individuals were snatching guns from two policemen and running. People were watching as the play was being filmed. I am told this film is one of the evidences to be submitted against the CUD leaders to prove that they were attempting to overthrow the government by force. Right after the election, local CUD offices were closed and leaders were imprisoned on fabricated charges that they were in possession of weapons. During the November protests where another major massacre took place, we were told bombs exploded near student dormitories at Black Lion Hospital and another one was “diffused” before it exploded near the gate of the Main University Campus. Recently, another mysterious bomb exploded destroying a part of the branch office of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. A day later government media told us that the governor of the bank committed suicide. It is an amazing coincidence.
In what seems to be a sequel to this pattern, we are recently told that a terror plot was foiled in Addis Ababa. The government says that the “terrorists” who were apprehended along with their terror paraphernalia, have relationship to the CUDP, whose leaders are locked up in prison since November 2005 on charges that, had there been a serious and independent judge, would have been thrown out in minutes. A make believe story was read on the radio and television about the terror plot and was given as a talking point to the cadres of the TPLF. Now the cadres are repeating different versions of it through all their news outlets.
The pro-TPLF newspaper, which has turned fulltime CUDP and Diaspora basher and campaigner for the TPLF, has added to the visibility of its true colors by carrying a shameful story hatched to lend credence to the story fabricated earlier by the government.
The story on the Reporter published on February 26 (Online) states that Ato Andargachew Tsige, a member of the leadership council of the CUD, who is one among the 131 falsely charged in absentia, was in Asmara the previous week, leading a delegation of Ethiopians from London to engage in discussion with the officials of Eritrea. The story includes an insinuation that the talks have to do with the “terrorist plot” that was allegedly aborted by the government. Along with Andargachew, the Reporter also says that [former] Ambassador Kassa Kebede was also on a similar mission. Everything was a naked lie since both individuals have never set out of the US in the stated time. I hope the two individuals would submit their travel records to US officials who, not only have refused to wrench themselves of their association with a police state, but also think that there is a real court in Ethiopia that is capable of fair delivery of justice.
Andargachew was in Washington DC over the last six weeks working on matters related to CUDP, making numerous public lectures, participating in panel discussions, giving talks to small and big groups of civic associations and Americans concerned about conditions in Ethiopia. I have met and talked to him virtually every day as do many Ethiopian Washingtonians. As a close friend, I know his itinerary and activities. Andargachew was in the United States and only in the United States over the last several weeks and went back to London only three days ago. This is the truth and a testimony you can take to the bank.
I am not even motivated to react to this absolute canard about the allegation against Andargachew by any belief that going to Asmara and talking to Eritrean officials is a bad idea as the Reporter and the TPLF want Ethiopians to think. On the contrary, I believe any Ethiopian opposition would serve a positive national goal by engaging in dialogue with Eritreans. After all, our future is inextricably tied and there is no way round it if one is to have a stable Horn of Africa. I don’t even think any serious Ethiopian, except TPLF functionaries, would give a damn bit relevance about such a story. And hey! Who the hell do they think they are to choose who we want to talk and not talk to any way? Did they consult us when they agreed to make our country the biggest landlocked country on the planet? I also think Andargachew has the competence to make intelligent choices about talking to Eritrean officials if he so wishes. He is a brilliant and visionary individual to be able to see what merits his country. Andargachew, the author of a magnificent must read book “Netsanetin yemayawk Netsa Awuchi” (A Freedom Fighter who doesn’t understand Freedom), was a prisoner in Ziway Concentration Camp during the June 8 Massacre. He has been a victim of the brutality the regime and his belief in the value of the peaceful struggle has not diminished. He derives his added commitment from the thousands of determined young Ethiopians who suffered with him and who tried to take care of him when he was suffering in pain inside the concentration camp. I have always wondered why Andargachew walked out of the EPRDF on his own at a time when the Dawit Yohanes’s and the rest of the live to eat animals and robber barons were scrambling for villas and other leftovers of dergue officials early in the days when he was a member of the EPRDF. I have come to know Andargachew as a selfless human being with a stellar sense of integrity and self respect. Everyone can rest assured that he would make an intelligent choice when he so wishes. But this one is pure fabrication.
This crap about Andargachew and Ambassador Kassa Kebede is repeated by all the echo chambers of the TPLF as usual. Famous among these is little Mulugeta Asrate Kassa who has not taken minutes to check the authenticity of the story before he posted his usual diatribe against these individuals and the CUD. Am I the only one who thinks that all his writings look like job applications to EPRDF officials? He comes out to me as person who believes he can add size to his brain whenever he makes rude remarks against people like professor Mesfin, a man who I believe can make Mulugeta’s kind of head out of pure mud. (By the way, someone tipped me information about this guy the implications of which, I believe, reflect on his behavior of opportunism. Does anybody know the psychological implications of being raised without knowing that the house servant that raised and breast fed you is actually your real mother? Where are my psychologist friends?)
The thing that surprises me the most is that the TPLF and its supporters spew and practice their hate in the open and whenever you hate back what they do, they accuse you of promoting hatred. They don’t feel ashamed when they kill you and accuse you of genocide. Leaders of the TPLF are set to raise their children in happiness by killing other people’s children and criminalizing all dissent against injustice. This paradox cannot continue for long. We are all very near to the abyss now.


Response to Attack:

You don't know me from Adam.
Dear Ato Fekade
You don't know me from Adam, but I do read your sometimes interesting articles on Ethio Media. Though I don't agree with your line of thinking, I do repect you democratic right to air your views. It has been my policy not to respond to blatant personal attacks, precisely because of my intention not to sink to the moral and intellectual morass that has nowadays become an abode to my critics.
However, your "Cooking the Bombs and the Terrorists TPLF Style" (Ethio Media 3rd March) has compelled me to break my self-imposed embargo on responding to my critics. My reasons are two-fold. First, I know that I am responding to a bona-fide Ato Fekade Shewakena and not some ficticious person hiding behind a nome de plume. Secondly, because I want to save you from being a laughing stock of those who "know me" by nipping in the bud one of your cheap jibes directed against my pedigree.
Let me first take issue with the general tenor of your article. It is incomprehensible to me, and I am sure to any dispassionate reader of your article, why you have attacked me with a fussilade of innuendoes while restricting your attact on the very originator of the news concerning Kassa Kebede (not Ambassador because Ambassador is not a title, but a post like prime minister) and Andargatchew Tsiege to the issue under discussion and not personality. Is it because Ato Amare is a Tigrean and, therefore, entitled to criticise CUDP while I - a through-and through Amhara -should regard CUDP as my natural habitatt and, therefore, critisism of it is saccrilgious? Let me make one thing clear at this juncture. I am proud, and continue to be proud to remain an Amhara, but never will I muzzle my mouth when I see people doing harm to the concept of peaceful coexistence under a secular, pluralistic Ethiopia where differences are celebrated rather than suffocated. The day I allow myself to do that would be the day I cease living and start vegitating.
I stand firm with what I have written about Kassa and Andargacthew's pilgrimage to Asmara. Whilst I do agree with your argument that it is natural - in an ideal world - for the opposition to maintain cordial relations with all of Ethiopia's neighbours, I totally reject that the present enviroment warrants any form of contact with Asmara. As you would agree such a grave accusation is more than a slur on the reputation of your friends with "stellar charachters" whom you believe have what it takes to be our political masters one day. You would, therefore, be remiss of your duty as their loyal friend if you were not to advise these supposedly whiter-than white Ethiopians to sue me for defaming their good name in a British court-room. Surely, "Falasha money" can easily foot the legal bill for both plaintiffs.
I am sorry to realise that my critisisms of Professor Mesfin Wolde-Mariam's involvement in Ethiopian politics has irritated you so much that it made you make such silly remark as he can make "Mulugeta's kind of head from pure mud." I stand to be corrected, but I believe man - according to the Book of Genesis - was created from mud in the first place. But if you are refering to brains, I beg to differ most profoundly. A Professor - who has advised Mengistu Hailemariam to kill those awaiting trial (one of them my dear father), a Professor who didn't utter a word when close to half a million Ethiopians perished under the Derg, and yet, had the cheek to be the founding father of The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission after the dawn of democracy in Ethiopia and a "christian" who kept his mouth shut when the Holy Father of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church was strangled to death by order of Mengistu and yet unashamedly calls today's dis-established Ethiopian Orthodox Church "a desert" - hasn't got the cerebral capacity to even attempt to make the brains not of me, but the brains of your good-self. Besides, unlike you, I worship Jesus Christ and not some nutty professor.
Intelligent people discuss issues, but the mentally-handicapped and the dunce always opt for personalities. It is sad and laughable, then, to see such savant like you good-self indulging in personal attack which simply goes to show that my writings are working. You may not know this, but I liken myself to Ethiopia's euccalyptus tree; the more I am axed and chopped the more I grow and fortify. I have never claimed infallibity, nor have I portrayed myself as righteous. Like you and everyone else I have my strengths and weaknesses, inferiority complex, I assure you, has never ever been my weakness. Your cheap jibe about my maternal mother is, therefore, below the belt. Contrary to your diatribe about "being raised without knowing that the house servant that raised and breast-fed me is actually my real mother," I would like you to spend some time and find out for yourself that unlike your idol Professor I know who my maternal mother is. Now you have raised it yourself - and not because of superiority complex - my mother is Princess Zuriash-worq Gebre-Egziabher and she happens to be the grand-daughter of Empress Menen Asfaw.
In conclusion, it is this kind of arrogance and intellectual snobberry that has contributed its due share to nudging the leadership of CUDP to dispute the undisputed election result in the first place and to then advise them to boycott the Ethiopian Parliament. It is your kind of snobberry that has blind-folded the Ethiopian Diaspora from seeing the Ethiopian obtaining situation objectively rather than being misled by wishfull thinking.
If you are the sort of man who welcomes constructive critisms, I have a fraternal message to transmit to you with all sincerity. No one doubts that you have the capacity to contribute most positively towards Ethiopia's democratic and economic progress, and this applies to the many in the CUDP camp as well. But to place your bet that you and your likes only possess the panacea for all the ills of Ethiopia is wrong. Wrong and an excercise in hallucination too, is also the belief that without you and your likes at the helm of Ethiopia, the Motherland would wither away.
Therefore, for your own good and no one else's please come down from your ivory tower and show humility. It wouldn't cost you a dime, but it will do you a world of good.
With kind regards
Mulugeta Aserate Kassa
Mar 04, 2006

3/04/2006 09:09:00 PM  
Blogger Mechachal yichalal said...

...and The Reporter followed it up with...more detail on their stay...

3/06/2006 05:24:00 PM  

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